Monday, April 1, 2013

#AtoZChallenge: Am I an Author?

Ah, the A to Z Challenge is here, yet again. This year, I have added new blogs in order to make some new friends. I also figured this would be the perfect way for me to really kick my butt into gear with writing my own books and stories.

I have been contemplating these posts for a couple of months now, since I launched the blog back in January. I was working on several stories at the turn of the year. Unfortunately, life has regularly gotten in the way and my muse likes to come and go.

I began to question if I was really an author or merely a writer?

To me, a writer writes. It can be blogs, fiction, nonfiction, content, you name it. But an author is someone who actually creates a new world and new people, giving birth to a new creation. I haven't had a shortage of ideas, but could never get them to fruition. Was it premature to start a blog and Facebook page? Was it ever going to happen? Am I a poser for trying to call myself an author?

Finally, last night, I felt justified. I was naughty on Easter Sunday, as I was taking notes in my bulletin on new story ideas that kept jumping in my head. (Should the pastor be happy that someone was still being inspired by her words, even if not exactly in the way that she had hoped?) I had been working on numerous ideas for a couple of anthologies, whose deadlines were midnight last night. Nothing was really flowing, though, and I hated everything I was writing.

But one idea kept spinning around in my brain. Even though I was at Easter dinner with my adopted family, I still spent most of my time glued to my laptop in the living room. I lubricated the writing wheels and just kept at it.

And then, there it was. A fully completed short story. The first one I had finished that didn't require any further additions. I had some of the "family" read it, as well as a couple of friends. With their stamps of approval, I sent it off for submission. There is hope that more stories will reach fruition, especially with this week being Spring Break.

Welcome to new friends from A to Z. I look forward to getting to know more of you!

Now I feel justified as an author.


  1. Congratulations, Andrea. It truly is a wonderful feeling to complete a story that wanted so desperately to come out. Happy A-Z.

  2. Hi Andrea,

    Good for you to take part in this challenge so soon after starting your blog. Whether you're writing for your blog or working on a novel, as long as you exercise that 'muscle,' things will start happening.

    Good luck, and please swing by MROP - I'm talking about Awareness today.


  3. HOORAY for a completed short story! There's nothing quite like writing "The End," is there?

    Good luck with your submissions, and I hope you find a home for your story. May this be just the first of many, many more!

    Happy A to Z Blogging!

  4. And we're off - with all those blogs! (You and I are gonna have to toast one another at the end of this thing, if we wrap 'em all up before April passes.)

    Happy A to Z!
    (I'm doing EIGHT blogs. Whew.)
    Here's one:
    A is for Absent - Rhymed Acrostics from A to Z

  5. How very lovely to meet an Author! Have fun :)

  6. I like your distinction of an aughor vs a writer.

  7. Yay on completing a story. That's awesome. Great to meet you! Happy A!

  8. Finishing is definitely the first step!

  9. Congratulations on completing your story - no easy task! Come visit us at where we are doing an original poem every day for the A-Z challenge and to celebrate National Poetry Month!

  10. What to go, author. Hope you get good news from that submission.

  11. Hi, Andrea, just popping by. This is my first year with the A to Z Challenge and I'm hoping to get a few pointers from fellow writers. Good Post!

  12. Yes. You are an author. Stopping by from A-Z.

  13. You're an author, a story smith, and you deserve the appellation. Don't ever let anyone convince you otherwise! Nice post.

  14. You are an author, a store smith, and deserve that appellation. Don't ever let anyone convince you otherwise! Nice post.

  15. Hiya.
    I feel the same. I believe I am a writer (that took long enough!) but I am not yet an author. Many disagree with me tho :)
    and btw... I've had the odd inspired idea during sermons too - once when hubby was preaching! sshhh! :D

    1. My mom was a church organist, so I always had to attend numerous services. She let us take along notebooks back in the day. I was probably scribbling stories back then, too. My sister was apparently planning out her days in the ministry. Your secret is safe with me!

      And yes, many people define author differently, which is why I was thinking about it so much.

  16. well done, you are most definitely an author.

  17. oh my last post vanished, I think you are most definitely an author, well done on your first A to Z post.

  18. Yes, you are an author, but never use the word "merely" to describe a writer.

    1. I don't mean to belittle people who are writers, because that is what I am. I mean to say a writer who isn't an author. I have always felt like the two terms have different meaning. To say one is an author just feels so different and has always been an aspiration, and seemed to be on a different plane.

  19. Hi from the A-Z Challenge! They say a writer writes, an author writes consistently. That always inspires me to write more. :)

  20. I think a lot of starting writers struggle that they can or can not think of themselves as authors. I sort of hate to think that might be some sort of distinguishing feature that you have to publish three books or fifteen short stories before you get your Author badge. There's no reason to split ourselves apart that way. So yes, you are a writer, and you are an author. Be proud, hold your head high, and keep writing!

    -Sabrina (intermediate writer and Author)

  21. Way to go! Getting that story done and mustering up the courage to send it off are two important thresholds to cross. Keep writing! And good luck with the A-to-Z challenge! :-)

    Slithers of Thought (WR)

  22. Labels don't matter. If you write, you are a writer. The most important thing is that your enjoy it and feel fulfilled. Good luck with your journey and feel free to stop by my A-Z posts for more writing inspiration.

  23. Hi, just stopping by from the challenge! Hope you are still going! :)

  24. good post.. as one of those so-called authors I can relate! I think we should always aspire to be aspiring authors

  25. Congratulations! There is nothing like the sense of achievement you get from completing something you are proud of. I hope this one does well. Good luck.

  26. Hello, Andrea! This is wonderful to hear. I hope your story is accepted! Good luck with your other ideas.

    Happy A to Z-ing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  27. Yay, congrats on completing your first story! This is one question I've struggled with myself, am I an author? And what makes one an author? Being published? Being passionate? Being devoted? Perhaps it's just a personal feeling, overcoming insecurities and declaring it for yourself?

  28. I too try to justify if I am a writer or an Author. I finished my first novel last year, my problem is the lack of determination to finish the editing phase, and the bravery to send it out to be reviewed. Congratulations on finishing your short story and I will enjoy reading your blog during A to Z!
