Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Promote your book with a trailer by

**While this is a paid review, all opinions shared are honest and my own.**

A new trend in book marketing is using book trailers, similar to those used to promote movies. Book covers and other still photography are used to illustrate the story's plot and to introduce the characters to potential readers. Basically, they make the book blurb just a little bit more exciting.

If you follow any of my blogs, you will have seen many of these book trailers over various posts. Most of them consist of words going across the screen, accompanied by music. They only last a moment or two, and hope to get the point across and to entice you to purchase and read the book.

I have to say that I am impressed by the book trailers that I have previewed from They offer basic promotional book trailers, and then so much more. But these basic promo videos are much more exciting than many that I have seen. The graphics are better and much more exciting. They also do trailers that interview authors, and longer episodes featuring multiple excerpts and titles and marketing tips. All genres, including both fiction and nonfiction, are represented on their site. Check out one of their videos that demonstrate their services:

Peruse their YouTube channel to get a better feel for the book trailers that they have created in the past, and to inspire you to have your own made. Then, visit their website at to view featured books and authors, read testimonials, and to see their price list. To make your book successful, it is worth the investment to have quality promotional materials to share on your social media and to embed in your own website.


  1. Hi there, Andrea. I see you haven't done the A-to-Z since C. Are you planning on continuing?

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

    1. Yes, I am. I emailed with Alex. I had a lot of stuff happen last week and had to take off a few days. I got back to work on Monday and am picking back up with the A to Z tomorrow across the board.

  2. I LOVE book trailers. I post about them on the first Friday of each month (except this month). I've read some books just because the trailer was so good.

    Jenn @Scribbles From Jenn

  3. I'm pretty far away from making a book trailer, but this is an excellent resource to be aware of. Thanks for sharing.
